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A 360 video tour of Santa’s Merry Marketplace

Having trouble getting your bearings when it comes to the transition of Kringle’s Kafe to Santa’s Merry Marketplace?


The “footprint” for Santa’s Merry Marketplace is nearly half again as big as Kringle’s.

Lauren and Stephen put their hard hat-covered noggins together and created this 360 video for you to take a detailed look around:

This is interactive, so by all means take your time and click the pause button at any point during this video. Either drag your cursor (on desktop) or swipe around (go directly to YouTube on mobile) for the full 360 view.

Do you like seeing this technology in use around the park? If you’ve got suggestions for where else you’d like us to shoot a 360 video, please post a comment below.

And, in case there are still concerns about the Santa Claus murals – don’t worry: they’re safe! They’ll reappear once construction is complete.

Speaking of safety, thanks to all of our crews who are going the extra mile to keep everyone safe. The hard hats, reflective vests, and safety glasses aren’t props – they’re part of what it takes to ensure that this off-season is a safe one.


Lauren's 360 tour of Santa's Merry Marketplace

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