AIMS high
Don’t worry, I already gave Sean a hard time over those palm trees in the background.
“Rub it in, will ya?!”
He assured me it wasn’t all that warm in Texas last week.
These members of our Maintenance Team just got back from a week at AIMS training and certification.
AIMS stands for Amusement Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers, International. According to their website: AIMS International is a non-profit 501(c)(6) association dedicated to improving amusement Industry safety through leadership in education. AIMS International provides training classes and certification (CEU) programs for ride inspectors, operations, aquatics, and maintenance personnel through its annual Safety Seminar.
We have our own training program here at the park, too. Our maintenance team knows the attractions they’re responsible for inside-out. They know how to inspect and they know how to provide ongoing preventative maintenance. When they detect the need for additional maintenance work, such as replacing a part, they have the authority to suspend that ride’s operations until the inspection log shows that ride is ready for Guests to ride once again. (Think of that time you didn’t pay attention to a squeal under the hood of your car – until it was impossible to ignore. If a member of our maintenance team had been in the front seat with you, they’d have made it clear you’re not doing yourself any favors.)
Safety training isn’t a once-a-year occurrence around here, it’s every day. Whether it’s an all-day training course or a reminder to dress warmly in this 10-degree weather, our crews are held to the highest standards. Why? Because we want them to go home to their families each day in stellar condition. And we want the same for our park Guests each day of the operating season.